Weed GrassesCoarse grasses such as Meadow Grass, Yorkshire Fog etc can invade your croquet lawns. There isn't a selective weedkiller that will only kill certain grasses. Here are three methods of dealing with it.
Killing weeds is quite easy. All that is required is a selective, systemic weedkiller such as Weedol Lawn Weedkiller (Kills weeds not grass) which is available from garden centres. Systemic weedkillers enter the leaf and then reach the rest of the plant through its vascular system. However, they work best when sugars are moving through the plant. That is when they are growing, so the best time to treat weeds is in the growing season.

This weed gets a special mention because it can invade croquet lawns and spread quite quickly. It looks very much like moss but can be distinguished by the tiny seedheads. It can be very difficult to spot so you have to look closely. It is quite a bright green and forms a mat in the sward.
Treat with a systemic weedkiller but it will almost certainly need more than one application
This weed gets a special mention because it can invade croquet lawns and spread quite quickly. It looks very much like moss but can be distinguished by the tiny seedheads. It can be very difficult to spot so you have to look closely. It is quite a bright green and forms a mat in the sward.
Treat with a systemic weedkiller but it will almost certainly need more than one application